Daniel Marzullo
Hi, I’m Dan! 👋 I typically spend my days buried in a booth at a local coffee shop. Ideas flow best with a cup of coffee in one hand and a bagel in the other.
- Colorado
- 41 Posts
How to ask clients for feedback
When was the last time you asked your clients for genuine feedback on working together, beyond just revisions on projects and deliverables? Over the years, I've found it incredibly beneficial to do quarterly check-ins with every client to get a sense of how things are going. Not only
The WOOP Method
If you're sick and tired of setting SMART goals, I've got a new framework for you. In my previous life as a personal trainer, we tossed the SMART acronym around like candy on Halloween. For those unfamiliar, SMART goals are: Specific Measurable Achievable Relevant Time-Bound It
How to energy audit your work
When was the last time you did an Energy Audit of your work? If you ever feel like some parts of your work turbo-charge your day while others leave you running on empty, it might be time for an Energy Audit. This exercise can be a game-changer if you feel
Consider this as you set goals for the new year
As we step into the first few days of the new year, the idea of setting new goals is likely swirling around in your thoughts. Maybe you're armed with a list of resolutions or simply thinking through a few new habits to weave into your life. Regardless of
Here's why imposter syndrome is good for you
Today, we're diving into a topic we've all danced with at some point—imposter syndrome. A phenomenon often tied to self-doubt and the pursuit of perfection. Or that sneaky feeling that maybe we're not cut out for this greatness we're striving for.
This is how most people sabotage themselves
When was the last time you challenged a negative thought you had? How we think (positively or negatively) sets the stage for how we feel, influencing our actions. Like a domino effect, the cycle continues, gaining momentum with each thought and action. The bottom line is this: our relationship with
The real cure for burnout
Every article on Forbes or Entrepreneur echos the same advice, "more self-care, finding balance, or take a break." This overplayed, generic advice only addresses the symptoms of burnout, not the root cause. I dive much deeper into this in my burnout masterclass, but it's essential to
How to build an antifragile mind
Lately, my LinkedIn feed has been littered with posts of layoffs and more people #OpentoWork, especially in the tech space. I've had more conversations than usual with others suffering setbacks in their businesses or getting let go from their roles as they try to figure out what'
Considering a pivot?
Are you on the brink of a pivot in your career or business? Making a career shift is never simple. It requires introspection, risk-taking, and a leap of faith. That said, ask yourself three questions before taking the leap: 1. What are my strengths, and how do they align with
What does work mean to you?
A reader recently asked, "Is it weird I only view work as an exchange of time for money?" It's easy to assume that he may not be doing work that allows him to use his strengths and feel energized every day. Or that if he understood