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It's a terrible time to be a marketer

Daniel Marzullo
Daniel Marzullo
1 min read
It's a terrible time to be a marketer
Photo by Ben Rosett / Unsplash

If you're a job seeker.

Lately, I've seen various posts on LinkedIn from corporate marketers that look something like this...

  • 275 job applications sent
  • 15 first-round interviews
  • 5 second-round interviews
  • 2 final-stage interviews
  • 1 weekend interview
  • 4 sample projects completed
  • 3 hour-long culture-fit assessments

The list goes on and on.

When do we stop and say enough's enough?

It's a terrible time to be a job seeker if you're in marketing.

Here's my advice:

Instead of applying to 100+ jobs a day, pitch your services to 100+ companies a day.

You could build a business and replace your salary in the same amount of time (if not less) than it takes you to land a full-time role.

If you're a marketer, you already have a leg up.

You've already built skills from your job that you can offer and monetize on your own.

Many assume it's easier to find a steady income than start a business and reach profitability within a reasonable timeframe.

That’s not always true.

The job market is highly competitive. Landing a role can take time.

The same time you spend job hunting could be used to close deals and land clients for a new business—often faster than finding a job.

Hope this helps.


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    Daniel Marzullo

    Hi, I’m Dan! 👋 I typically spend my days buried in a booth at a local coffee shop. Ideas flow best with a cup of coffee in one hand and a bagel in the other.

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