The real cure for burnout
Every article on Forbes or Entrepreneur echos the same advice, "more self-care, finding balance, or take a break."
This overplayed, generic advice only addresses the symptoms of burnout, not the root cause.
I dive much deeper into this in my burnout masterclass, but it's essential to address the root cause, which often gets sidelined in the conversation.
If you follow the typical advice, you’ll likely find yourself in a cycle of “rest, grind, burnout, rest, grind,, grind, and then burnout again.”
It's exhausting. Trust me, I know.
The real issue is this...
Somewhere along the line, you stopped doing work that energizes you. Work that fires you up. Work that is making the impact you want to make in the world.
That’s the real problem. And it’s easy to do. We get so caught up in the grind that we don’t stop to realize we’ve fallen off course somewhere along the way.
Don't get me wrong, taking breaks and practicing self-care is essential, but it's not the cure for burnout.
So, next time you're feeling burnt out, examine your work. What are you currently doing every day? Start a running list of your tasks and take notes on each one. Does it energize you? Or does it drain you?

You might find that too many of your tasks are draining. If that’s the case, it’s time to rebalance your work to make more room for the activities that light your soul on fire.
After all, if you spend most of your time each day doing activities that light you up, you probably won’t need more time away from work to “find more balance.”
Whatever that even means.
Imagine if every day you said, “I spend all day energized doing the activities I love while knowing I’m living out my values through the work that I do.”
That’s the real cure for burnout.
To your success,
Dan Marzullo
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